Meaning-Centered Therapy Workbook
Based on Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy &
Existential Analysis

Book By Dr. Marie S. Dezelic (Author) Dr. Brigitt Rok ( Foreword), Ann-Marie Neale (Editor's Note) Artist, Chady Elias (Cover Design
Logotherapy Handbook & Workbook, with Conceptual Pictographs--Client Handouts for use.
Transform Existential Crisis and Despair through Meaning-Centered Therapy.
This Meaning-Centered Therapy Workbook includes unique, one-of-a-kind, colorful "Conceptual Pictographs," which can be used in therapy sessions with individuals and in group counseling across clinical settings, or for personal growth and transformation. The 23 Conceptual Pictographs, depict the progression of Viktor Frankl’s Meaning-Centered Logotherapy & Existential Analysis; these are followed by "Logotherapy in Action Applications" and "Logotherapist’s Toolkit Information," offering the clinician numerous hands-on techniques to assist in addressing Existential Crisis and Despair through Fostering Meaning and Purpose in patients within a Mind-Body-Spirit Integrated Approach. In addition to being a Meaning-Centered Logotherapy guide and workbook for clinicians, this handbook depicts Viktor Frankl’s Meaning-Centered Therapy in a comprehensive, applicable and understandable method through visual Conceptual Pictographs and highlighted exercises, explaining how to put the theory and therapy into practice.
Includes Reproducible Handouts-- non-assignable permission to reproduce handouts.
Clinicians can use the Conceptual Pictographs--handouts in individual, family and group counseling, in private settings, mental health agencies, inpatient and outpatient hospitals, pastoral and spiritual counseling, with varied psychiatric diagnoses, existential issues, critical medical diagnoses, end-of-life and palliative care, and for spiritual growth and well-being.
Topics included in this handbook are: Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy & Existential Analysis philosophy and concepts, Mind-Body-Spirit Dimensional Ontology, Discovering Meaning in Life, Role of the Logotherapist, The Existential Triangle, The Tragic Triad, The Neurotic Triad, The Meaning Triangle, Existential Frustration and Despair, Existential Vacuum, Reactive Neuroses, Noogenic Neuroses, Assessment Tools of Logotherapy, Post-Traumatic Growth and Possibilities, and a comprehensive Glossary of Terms.
"...Dr. Dezelic has produced a helpful workbook for clinicians and patients that fosters the possibility of effective interventions for patients dealing with these universal existential concerns. Through clear guided exercises, techniques and illustrative pictographs, this workbook helps clinicians and patients find a path toward enhanced meaning in their lives. This workbook is a wonderful contribution to the clinical literature.”
— William Breitbart, MD, Chairman Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NYC, USA
“Congratulations, Dr. Dezelic! You make Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy and Existential Psychology readily graspable through Pictographs. Your Meaning-Centered Therapy Workbook is a creative gem that will be helpful to all those who are looking for comprehensible tools and handouts to use in diverse psychotherapeutic settings.”
— Ann V. Graber, PhD, Director of the Graduate Center for Pastoral Logotherapy, Graduate Theological Foundation
“Dr. Dezelic's work is a gift and a welcomed addition to the fields of Logotherapy, Psychotherapy, and Spirituality. This workbook offers clinicians from all theoretical backgrounds and occupations a vast amount of tools, techniques and exercises through her Conceptual Pictographs to attend to the existential issues we all face; and to ignite and promote meaning in a compassionate and empathic way in the therapy room, even in the most difficult cases, tragic situations and life-limiting conditions. Dr. Dezelic takes you through a journey in examining your own existence and the meaning held within it, while encountering those we assist in the healing process.”
— Gabriel Ghanoum, PsyD, MDiv, MS, GCC, BCC, Psychologist, Palliative Care Clinician and Educator