Publications - New Releases

In The Zone - Coming Soon
No limitations except what you put on yourself.
Chady Elias
Book Cover by Chady Elias
Unlock your creative potential and step into the zone where imagination knows no bounds.In the Zone is your guide to maximizing life and amplifying creativity. Discover how to break free from self-imposed limitations and tap into your limitless creativity. Whether you're an artist, writer, musician, or simply seeking to bring more creativity into your everyday life,

The Game Of Life - Coming Soon
52 Weeks of Positive Affirmations & Self-Reflactions
Chady Elias
Book Cover by Chady Elias
Unlock your full potential with "The Game of Life," your ultimate guide to maximizing life and amplifying creativity. Authored by Chady Elias, this transformative book is part of the acclaimed "In the Zone Collection" and provides a comprehensive, year-long journey towards self-discovery and personal empowerment.

30 Days To Achieve Pure Confidence, For Clients, Coaches & Clinicians
Chady Elias (Author), PhD Marie Dezelic (Foreword), PsyD Gabriel Ghanoum (Contributor), Marie Toole (Contributor)
Book Cover by Chady Elias
Confidence Affirmationsis a book designed to help you develop unshakeable self-confidence in just 30 days. This compact, powerful book is packed with specific affirmations that will enrich all aspects of your life with confidence; and you can start using them right away to begin building the confidence you deserve and will create.
This Confidence book is designed as a guide for your daily practice. Inside, you will find daily affirmations and unique visualization exercises, with a daily tracker, and a weekly progress tracker to easily keep track of what you ...

Elements of Harmony
Experiencing The Reality Of Your Imagination
3D Paintings & Poems
Poems By Dr. Marie Dezelic
Artworks By Chady Elias
Book Cover by Chady Elias
The very first of its kind- this unique compilation brings innovative 3-D Art to life right in your own home. Experience the reality of your imagination in 3-D, while being allured to the Artistic world with thought-provoking poetry.

5 Minute Prescription: For Health, Happiness, & Meaning in Life
5 Minute Prescription for Living Fully and Meaningfully.
Start connecting and changing your life right Now!
Marie Dezelic PHD (Author), Gabriel Ghanoum PsyD (Author), Chady Elias MA (Illustrator), Lexie Brockway Potamkin (Foreword), Pavel Somov PhD (Contributor), Paul Rashid MD MD (Contributor), Ann Graber PhD (Contributor), Daniel Lichtstein MD (Contributor), Faustino Gonzalez MD (Contributor), Heather Wayland MD (Contributor)
Book Cover by Chady Elias
5 Minute Prescription offers the medicine (skills not pills!) and the pathways to being fully present in each moment, leading to your overall peace, balance, and well-being; helping to produce the ultimate desired results of Health, Happiness, and Meaning in Life each day.
This book is a Personal Wellness Guide, designed in an easy-to-follow format, filled with simple, yet powerful techniques, useful tools, and handouts for creating a sense of calm, personal empowerment, and connection to self and life that can be accomplished in just 5 minutes per day!

Good Food Good Memories
Keeping the Tradition
Marie Toole (Author), Chady Elias (Illustrator)
Book Cover by Chady Elias
I am pleased to share my love and passion for the foods I remember from my youth. It’s filled with memories of mom and how she enjoyed cooking for her family and reliving the recipes handed down from her mother.

Good Food Good Memories
Marie Toole (Author), Chady Elias (Illustrator)
Book Cover by Chady Elias
I am sharing the secrets taught to me by my mother, handed down from her mother. It is a beautiful experience for me and I am overjoyed to have you enjoy these recipes too.

Trauma Treatment - Healing the Whole Person
Meaning-Centered Therapy & Trauma Treatment Foundational Phase-Work Manual
Book By Dr. Marie S. Dezelic (Author), Dr. Gabriel Ghanoum (Author), Dr. Pavel Somov (Foreword), Dr. Brent Potter (Epilogue), Dr. Ann-Marie Neale (Editor), Chady Elias, MFA (Cover Design).
Book Cover by Chady Elias
MEANING-CENTERED THERAPY combined with the TRAUMA TREATMENT FOUNDATIONAL PHASE-WORK (TTFP) Model is an integrative and multi-dimensional approach to the holistic treatment of trauma and traumatic stress. Through clinical, evidence-based, trauma-informed and meaning-centered interventions, clinicians and clients will learn how to address the various bio-psycho-social-spiritual symptoms and effects of the aftermath of trauma and overwhelming experiences. Clients will be able to

Meaning-Centered Therapy Workbook
Based on Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy &
Existential Analysis
Book By Dr. Marie S. Dezelic (Author) Dr. Brigitt Rok ( Foreword), Ann-Marie Neale (Editor's Note) Artist, Chady Elias (Cover Design
Book Cover by Chady Elias
based on Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Psychology; Included are reproducible handouts—original “Conceptual Pictographs” (coined by Dr. Dezelic) in color, and black-and-white versions, for clinicians and clients. This workbook utilizes a Mind-Body-Spirit integrative approach designed for psychological individual and group therapy, clinical pastoral care, bio-psycho-social-spiritual palliative care treatment, support groups, and personal existential exploration and awareness, and is a complete overview manual for Logotherapy & Existential Analysis.

Transforming Relationships
Essentials For Building Bridges of Connection
by Marie Dezelic PhD (Author), Gabriel Ghanoum PsyD (Author), Mark Rufeh MBA (Author), Ann-Marie Neale PhD (Editor), Chady Elias Artist (Illustrator), Pninit Russo-Netzer PhD (Foreword), Pavel Somov PhD (Contributor), Paul Wong PhD (Contributor), Stephen Costello PhD (Contributor), Eva Ritvo MD (Contributor)
Book Cover by Chady Elias
TRANSFORMING RELATIONSHIPS: ESSENTIALS FOR BUILDING BRIDGES OF CONNECTION Meaning-Centered Applications & Interventions Meaning-Centered Relationship Transformation model and processes help us discover ways to “transform” and “alchemize” all our relationships. This manual is filled with many different, unique, and useful tools, approaches, methods, and handouts for creating Bridges of Connection so that we:

Meaning in Life in Palliative Care
Book By Dr. Marie S. Dezelic (Author) Dr. Gabriel Ghanoum (Author) Artist, Chady Elias (Cover Design)
Book Cover by Chady Elias

Meaning-Centered Therapy Manual
Logotherapy & Existential Analysis
Brief Therapy Protocol
For Group & Individual Sessions
Book By Dr. Marie S. Dezelic (Author) Dr. Gabriel Ghanoum (Author) Dr. William Breitbart ( Foreword) Dr. Ann-Marie Neale (Editor's Note) Lexie Brockway Potamkin (Epilogue) Artist, Chady Elias (Cover Design)
Book Cover by Chady Elias
Discovering Meaning and Purpose in Life through Meaning-Centered Therapy, based on Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy & Existential Analysis.
This transformative Meaning-Centered Therapy Manual: Logotherapy & Existential Analysis Brief Therapy Protocol for Group & Individual Sessions includes one-of-a-kind, colorful Conceptual Pictographs—Client Handouts that are to be used in a manualized 8-session protocol for individual and group counseling across clinical, medical and spiritual settings. With its emphasis on a Mind-Body-Spirit Integrative Approach, this manual addresses Existential Exploration, Existential Crisis and Despair, Meaning in Life, as well as many other concerns of the Human Condition through Fostering the Discovery of Meaning and Purpose, and Inner Resources.